Swimmers Need You


We are bringing swimming back to the swimmers. Swimming isn’t just about the top level elite, the Olympics or the Commonwealth Games. It is about all the people across this country that love being in the water. The feel of the water, the noise of the water and the love of moving through the water.

people at the beach

We are creating events that allow everyone and anyone that loves the water to be involved in fun, fast paced, team based tournaments.

We know that there are so many swimmers out there that don’t have an opportunity to be a part of a team. Even less opportunity to be a part of their team. But for this to be a success we need the help and support of the wider swimming community.

The businesses that love the sport, the companies that want to make a difference to the everyday swimmer.

Businesses are asked all the time to sponsor new events, but this is different. This time you will be sponsoring a tournament that provides an avenue for all those people that love the water and love swimming to be a part of something. And the opportunity to be a part of this new and exciting format is here right now. We have multiple
levels of sponsorship packages available. And the great news is that you will be giving to an event that is purely focused on the swimmers. Everything we do is about giving back to the swimmers directly. Not the clubs or the organisations or affiliated bodies, the swimmers. That will look nice on your ESG report!



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