PLS Update



It has been an incredible start to the year for Premier League Swimming with 2 events already completed. Our objective to bring the swimming communities together for a fun and entertaining event is well under way and the initial results and feedback have been positive. We still have items to work on, and refinement of the event based on the customer feedback is constantly taking place, but the positive is that both the swimmers and the spectators that have attended the events have enjoyed the concept.

As we move forward with Premier League Swimming and a new experience for the aquatic community, it is always important that we remind ourselves that our events are aimed at swimmers from every corner of the water sports population. 


Premier League SwimmingWe were delighted the Glitter Strippers, a team of Masters swimmers, Junior swimmers, retired swimmers and casual swimmers with a combined age of 194 years returned to take on the PLS-2 challenge.  This team embodies the spirit of PLS and once again came out on top as the Tier 2 Champions. The fact that the PLS events are non-affiliated allows anyone to put a team together, and that is what makes every event so special.


Premier League Swimming

And once again PLS-2 attracted some of the top talent in Australia with many of the teams being put together with an array of talent from the upper echelons of Australian swimming. We had swimmers on show from the Australian Dolphins, including World Para swimmers, and international talent that put a team together with some of the local Aussie swim clubs. It made the Championship Final an amazing spectacle of very high level swimming and provided some of our younger swimmers an amazing opportunity to swim against some of the best in the world. The Real Swim Shadys took out the win once again with their array of talented swimmers and some interesting strategic gameplay.


PLS-2 Stats


28 Swimmers were 16 and under, 26 swimmers were aged between 17-30 and 5 of the swimmers participating were over the age of 30. We had participants from Triathlon, Junior club, Masters, National, International, Para and Casual Swimmers making up the 8 teams.

Whats Next?




Premier League Swimming

As we grow and our event becomes more refined, we have seen an interest in hosting PLS events all across the world. We are incredibly excited to host our next event in Hawaii at the Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex in Honolulu. The Hawaiian community embrace the essence of the oceans and we are thrilled to be hosting in such a famous Aquatic Complex. Duke Kahanamoku, an accomplished swimmer and a five-time Olympic medallist, went on to popularize the sport of surfing across the world whilst hosting swimming exhibitions. There couldn’t be a more fitting venue for us to host PLS-3.

Back to Australia

Plans are already in place for PLS-4 through to PLS-8 with us hosting 4 more events across Australia through 2023 and the 1st half of 2024. There are plans for the first Masters PLS event to be held in November and events are planned for the Sunshine Coast and Sydney early next year. Stay tuned to our socials for the latest updates, dates and registration details.



We are also in the process of establishing a naming rights sponsor. Sponsorship is the key to the success of any event and if you are interested in talking to us about sponsorship please reach out via our website or email us at [email protected] .

We cannot wait to bring more of our exciting events to the swimming community and look forward to you all being a part of this exciting new swimming adventure.

Kind Regards

Sean Rowe-Hagans


PLS Update

Update   It has been an incredible start to the year for Premier League Swimming with 2 events already completed. Our objective to bring the

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